The team at Søbogaard

Poul Hansen

Founder of Søbogaard, founder of Dyndet-Kimmerslev and Allernærmeste Æseldriverforening, idea and humor man with a heart for a good cause - even in Nepal. Even though he is officially retired, he still lurks around the farm, lends a hand and is always ready for a chat or a good story. Poul is married to Marianne, who used to be part of the inventory list at the Søbogaard office.

Ellen Nielsen

Current Søbogaard boss, the woman with all the good ideas, the finger on the pulse, the solutions and a tough businesswoman who is just as comfortable in the warehouse in her red clogs as behind the desk.

In her spare time she is married to Niels.

Niels Trolle Jensen

Head janitor, taster and the man with the creative solutions. He's always working on a project - or preferably many projects at the same time.

He's the man everyone pulls when something doesn't work. Whether it's the big bottling plant, a vehicle, a door or a computer update.

Linda Rindom Pedersen

The office assistant, who typically answers the phone, replies to your email and the not-so-pleasant task of sending you an invoice.

Linda tries to keep various platforms up to date, helps out in production and most importantly - brews coffee every morning


Dennis Oxboll

Warehouse and transportation trainee who works both as a package-order master and a helping hand.

He is also the man who supplies central and western Jutland with Søbogodter.

He also has big wheels underneath him, so you can meet him behind the wheel of both the van and the truck.

Cecile Rindom Pedersen

Cecilie lends a hand wherever it's needed - whether it's feeding the bottling line with bottles or putting a label in the right place.

She packs orders, fills up the truck and she's really good at sorting bottles with Henry.

Mykola Chumak

Mykola has moved from Ukraine with his family. He helps out in production and is good with machines and technology in general.

Mykola is the man who mixes our elderflower extract.

Ivan Frederiksen

Søbogaard trucks, which are often found in Zealand, where he supplies thirsty customers.

Ivan can also handle the big wheels, so you can also meet him behind the wheel of the truck - typically moving goods between our warehouses.

Henry 🐕

Office dog and cuddler who takes everything in stride.

He's probably the only one in the company who sleeps most of the working day away


Steffen Toftager

When Steffen is not driving goods on Zealand, he is based at the warehouse in Borup.

This is where he lurks around and keeps order. He's also the man behind the sugar bags.


Caroline is our fresh young girl who you can meet behind the counter in our farm shop in Herning.